Deborah Freeman has died aged 89

Roselyn, Deborah's daughter, writes:

sierra leone deborah freeman mustard seed

Mama was 89 years old when she passed away. She was born in Rotifunk, in Bumpeh Chiefdom, Moyamba District. She started the Needy and Disadvantaged Children's Home in 1998 after the death of her two sons who were killed during the brutal war in Sierra Leone in 1997. These left behind no children. She therefore dedicated herself to helping children who had lost their parents to the war. In the process, many physically challenged children were abandoned so she took them in to care for them. In 2007 the institution was rebranded as the Mustard Seed Foundation.

Mama was also the first President of Forum for Africa Women Educationalist, Moyamba branch, and Treasurer, Moyamba District Children's Awareness Radio in 2002 - 2008.

I met this wonderful woman in 2010. I had read about the Mustard Seed Foundation and visited to see if they needed any help from our organisation. Since then we have helped them to equip a physiotherapy room and to renew beds and mattresses in the dormitories. We fund the salary costs of two care workers so that the most disabled children can get more support and training. Deborah continued to live in the children's home after she retired and helped the older children to cook every evening until she suffered her first stroke in 2018. Deborah inspired everyone who met her. Her daughter Roselyn now runs the home and continues Deborah's work as a dedicated and compassionate social worker and educator.

Kevin Curley, Chair of the Trustees

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