Children in Class 6 at Mania Primary School Receive Their Solar Lights for Home Study

It’s dark in Sierra Leone by 7pm every night of the year. Ask your children and grandchildren to imagine doing their homework under the flickering light of a candle or a small kerosene lamp. We now provide every one of our sponsored secondary school students with a solar lamp.

 The children charge these during the day - in Sierra Leone the sun shines brightly! We are now piloting the use of solar lamps in three remote village primary schools to see what difference this makes to children’s national exams performance.

Our volunteer Chernor took solar lamps this week (September 2024) to children in Mania primary school on the island of Shabro. A lamp costs £30. Why not give a child the gift of light?



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Sierra Leone solar lights Mania primary school September 2024 

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