Offset your carbon footprint and give light to our school students


Our solar light carbon “offset scheme”.

Sierra Leone Education and Development Trust (SLEDT) offers a way to offset any part of your carbon footprint by funding solar lamps to replace kerosene lamps.  People tend to do this for carbon emissions from flying in particular using a calculator described below.

The solar lamps are a very important part of our work in supporting a child’s education. They enable our students living without an electricity supply to study in the dark evenings, and the whole family benefits from safe lighting, reduced air pollution affecting the lungs, and fewer hut fires. Not having to buy kerosene is a welcome saving for the household.

Sierra Leone annual report 2024 girl with solar light known to Alusine used for carbon offset

Mariama in her fourth year at secondary school is studying at home in the evening using her solar lamp. Her home has no electricity supply

Sierra Leone solar lights Mahera students April 2023

Our volunteers give a solar lamp to all our 85 sponsored secondary school students, enabling home studies.

On average, studies indicate a household kerosene lamp emits one third of a tonne of carbon per year of use so if you replace it with a solar lamp it means you are preventing those carbon emissions. After three years your lamp will have saved approximately one tonne of carbon from being added to the atmosphere while three lamps will achieve that in the first year.

Our lamps costs £30 each and are high quality ones with a guarantee. They should last 4 years at least.  Our invaluable team of volunteers distributes the lamps and checks up to make sure they are working well.

You can estimate your personal carbon footprint here:



Each solar lamp will offset approximately one third of a tonne of your total emissions after one year and cost you £30, while three lamps will have offset a tonne and cost you £90.

You will have made a huge difference to the lives and futures of three children and their families while making a tangible contribution to limiting climate change.

Currently SLEDT provides solar lamps to 75 sponsored children in secondary education and to all the children in the top two years of several primary schools. We know the scheme works well and with your help we can expand it. Even if one lamp is all you can afford that one will still have a far-reaching impact. Watch our website for updates.

Please donate to SLEDT’S bank account, entering as a reference your surname followed by “Carbon”.

Triodos Bank

Name of account: Sierra Leone Education and
Development Trust
Sort code: 16-58-10
Account number: 20534000

If you would like further information please contact
our supporter Laurel Spooner
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


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