Baindu the star hairdresser gets a wheelchair

Nabbi's repaired tricycle

Meet Baindu Senessie who lives in Kawaya village in the Bagruwa Chiefdom in Sierra Leone. Baindu cannot walk but we are told she is the best hairdresser in the village.

Last week Abdul our volunteer delivered the wheelchair to Baindu, pictured here with brother Alusine. Baindu is 21 and said 'I can now move on my own and do my living independently. Thanks to all those who played a role to help me move from the ground this raining season'.

Thanks for making this possible. Please help us to do more by donating here.

Sierra Leone Baindu Senessie 21 hairdresser Kawaya Village in Bagruwa Chiefdom Moyamba district alone found by Abdul

Sierra Leone Baindu Senessie with brither Alhusine Kawaya village Bagruwa Chiefdom aged 21 hairdresser July 2022 found

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